Friday 29 January 2016

Vedanta teaches this method to solve problems:

1. Become completely aware of the present, that which really is (sat) right now, that which you are really experiencing.
See that the past exists only in our memories and the future exists only in our expectations and ideas.
What is really ever experienced is only the present moment.

2. The past is gone and is a memory. The future is not here yet and is an expectation. The present is the only reality we are experiencing. Begin to really see this.

3. Thus seeing reality as it is, we begin to be more aware, more clear in our hearts and minds.

4. When we are more clear, we can take better decisions.

5. By taking better decisions, we make life better for others and ourselves.

The above method is described in numerous Vedanta works, notably the Sadacharanusandhana ("Contemplationon the life-style of truth"), but it goes back to the Upanishads and Brahmasutras.

This method has been taken up all across the world under the name of 'mindfulness'. At the recent World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland (Jan 19-24), world leaders including Bill Gates started their morning sessions with Mindfulness.

Thus the teachings of the Rishis have reached the entire globe and are benefitting everyone who listens and practises.

नमः परमऋषिभ्यो नमः परमऋषिभ्यः 

"Namah parama-rishibyo namah parama-rishibhyah"

"Obeisance to the great Rishis, obeisance to the great Rishis"

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