Wednesday, 27 January 2016

Ravana (Dasana)

Ravana (Dasana)

Maharishi Valmikh through the Ramayana was describing the internal psychological battle a meditating devotee undergoes. 

The greatest and ultimate battle in this war is the one against Ravana or Dasana which takes place in Lanka

From its sanskrit root Lanka comes from Lam which is the bija mantra of the Earth Element. Esoterically the earth element is symbolic of the Muldahara Chakra opposite the coccygeal centre along the spine between the reproductive organ and anus. 

It is here that the Kundalini Shakti (Sita) is held captive and it also here that (based on function and anatomy of the spine) that man associates with meeting the basic survival and reproductive needs.

Ravana (Dasana - Five instruments of Knowledge and Five instruments of Action) under the influence of Ego and Lust lures man to continually seek self-satisfaction that results in suffering and anger. 

Until the inner dwelling soul Rama is awakened and through one-pointed concentration (lakshman) the consciousness is transcended back, the Kundalini remains dormant in the Muldahara Chakra.

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