Saturday 30 January 2016

Paranormal Remedy for Fair Complexion

The is a home remedy for having a fair complexion. This Indian remedy could also be classified as a paranormal one, because it has to be practiced during the period of a specific constellation. However, I do not attach any importance for fair complexion, I am publishing this remedy because many readers have requested for one.

This remedy has to be performed during the specific period of the Swati Nakshtra [Arcturus]. This period is as per the timings given in the Hindu Lunar Calendar and the timings will vary between various geographical regions of the world.

The remedy in itself is extremely simple and does not require any expertise to perform. The two ingredients required are a small portion, about 25 grams of the root of the Jasmine Plant and Buffalo Milk. The root has to be thoroughly cleaned, to remove all impurities. Then it has to be crushed and mixed in a glass of Buffalo Milk and consumed.

Note – This Remedy finds mention in Hindu Scriptures, I cannot vouch for its success or failure, to pracrtise it or not is left to the good sense of the individual.

Beauty Tips For Fair Complexion

Are you searching for beauty tips for fair complexion? I bet that there would be not any single girl in this world who don’t want a fair and smooth skin! Here are some beauty tips for your skin which will make your skin vibrant and glowing. Try these tips and get amazing results!

Tea Water And Honey Face pack

Things You Need

1 cup of tea water (Cooled Down)

2 spoons of rice flour

1/2 spoon of honey

Mix all the ingredients well and apply it on your skin. Leave this mask on your skin for about 20-30 minutes. Before washing off the mask with water, make sure that you massage in circular motions; this is important as it removes the dead skin and evens out the skin tone.

After washing your face you will get a smooth fair complexion!

Oats And Lemon Face Pack

Things You Need

1 tablespoon of oats (cooked and mashed)

1 tablespoon of lemon juice ( if you have sensitive skin then you can dilute the lemon juice with water).

Mix all the ingredients well and apply it on your face. Gently massage the mask on your face and let it dry for 20 minutes. Afterwards wash and pat dry.

You will get instant fairness and glowing skin.

Turmeric And Lemon Face Pack

Things You Need


Lemon Juice



Mix all the ingredients listed above and apply the mask on your face. Massage gently in circular motions for about 5 minutes and let it dry for 20 minutes. When it get dries, wash your face. Your skin will thank you!

Turmeric And Tomato Pack

Things You Need


Tomato Juice

Simply mix turmeric with tomato juice and apply on your face. Leave this mask on your face till it dries. Afterwards wash your face.

This pack is popular for its glowing results.

Yogurt And Dried Orange Peel

Things You Need

Yogurt (fresh and unflavored)

Dried orange peel

Take some dried orange peels. If you don’t have dry peels of orange then get some oranges and take off their peels. Put the peels of orange in sunlight and let them dry completely.

Now grind the dried orange peels. Mix 1 tablespoon of grinded orange peels with 1 tablespoon of fresh yogurt. Afterwards apply the paste on your face and keep it on for about 15-20 minutes. Then rinse off.

Yogurt And Lemon Juice

Things You Need

Yogurt (fresh and unflavored)

Fresh lemon juice

Mix 1 teaspoon of lemon juice with 1 tablespoon of fresh and unflavoured yogurt and mix well. Keep the paste on your face for about 20 minutes and then wash.

This mask will help reduce acne marks and dark spots and will also make your skin fairer.

Milk, Lemon Juice And Honey

Things you need



Lemon Juice

Take 1 tablespoon of honey, milk and lemon juice. Mix these three items well and apply on cleansed skin. Leave it on your face for about 20 minutes and then wash it off.

Milk And Saffron

Things You Need

Raw milk


Put 5-6 strands of saffron in 2-3 teaspoons of milk. Let the mixture of saffron and milk stay for about 3-4 hours. Now apply the mixture on your cleansed face and leave it on for 15-20 minutes. Afterwards wash off with lukewarm water.

This mask will make your skin soft and smooth. This mask is the most effective means for achieving fairness.

Papaya And Fuller’s Earth (Multani Mitti)

Things you will need:

1 tbsp. papaya pulp

1 teaspoon fuller’s earth (multani mitti)

Mix the two together and apply on cleansed skin.Let it dry and rinse off.

This is a very refreshing face mask.


Use potato slice or potato paste as a face mask. This mask can be applied twice a day on your skin and after 20 minutes wahs

off with plain water.

Besides All That……………….

Drink lots of water. You should at least drink 8-9 glasses of water a day. Make it your routine. Drinking lots of water will make your skin fair and will also stop pimple and other skin diseases.

Sleep well. You should sleep at least 9 hours. Sleeping is very important for our body. If you will sleep well then your skin will become healthy.


You should exercise on regular basis. If you do exercise for at least 30 minutes a day then it would be very good for you. Exercise increases blood circulation which makes your skin and body healthy. People who exercise also remain away from health problems.


Exfoliation is very important because without it, you can not get rid of dry and dead skin. So exfoliation is a must. You can use oatmeal as an exfoliator instead of spending a few bucks.

Remove Makeup Before Sleep

Always remove your make up before going to bed at night. If you sleep with makeup on your face then it can prove dangerous for your skin. It will block your skin and will make them unable to breathe, as a result you have to face many skin diseases.

Take Vitamins

You should include vitamins in your diet. Vitamins have a tendency to make your skin tone fair and bright. There are vitamin C tablets available in medical stores. You can have one tablet every day for a clear and smooth skin.

Hope you liked this. Don’t forget to share your results in the comment section below.

Stay Happy!

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