Thursday, 7 January 2016



1. Around 75% of the universe is missing in the form of dark matter and dark energy, according to scientists which can’t be measured.

2. The glue that holds the universe together is dark matter, which can’t be measured, but scientists believe that there is a chance of measuring it.

3. From outer space, cosmic rays flow throughout our solar system, which are highly energetic particles. But no one is aware of their origin.

4. Our solar system, with the sun, the planets, moons and the billions of asteroids and comets fill less than a trillionth of our universe.

5. The edge of our solar system is not Pluto, it is theorized Oort cloud.

6. 20 million million miles, this is the average distance between stars.

7. The core of a neutron star is very dense. It is so dense that if you take a spoonful of matter from its core, it would weigh 200 billion pounds!!

8. 2.7 kelvin is the temperature of the cosmic microwave background radiation, that permeates the entire universe.

9. R136a1 is the most luminous and massive star, which is 8.7 million times brighter than sun, it is present in the Large Magellanic Cloud.

10. 13.2 billion years is age of the oldest known star, it is the red giant HE 1523-0901.

11. According to the estimates of scientists, there are around 20 trillion galaxies in our universe.

12. 150 billion light years is the diameter of Universe, approximately.

13. There is no center for Universe, as every galaxy is expanding away from one another.

14. Universe was hot when it was young and gradually it has become cold.

15. Astronauts say that Moon dust smells like gunpowder and it is extremely soft.

16. Do you know that the stars you see in the sky may be dead? As they are billions of light years away from us and it will take billions of years for the light to reach earth,which means that the stars light which you see now is billion year old lighting. So they may be dead now.

17. The most complex object in the universe is human brain, with a billion neurons and a quadrillion connections.

18. The universe began with the Big Bang, which happened around 13.7 billion years ago.

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