Meditate for a moment on the most loving people you have ever known. Now, take a moment and consider the wisest or most well rounded people you have ever met.
These people have something in common that you may not have expected: they have all known defeat, heartbreak, and despair. The path to wisdom is beset with many difficulties along the way. These ‘downs’ they’ve experienced have given them a certain sensitivity and understanding of life. They certainly were not born with this innate loving wisdom.
There is a powerful lesson to be learned from these people: when challenges come, you can either let them destroy you or strengthen you. The following truths are related to this concept, and knowing them will help you become strong and wise in the face of hard times.
Change Your Mind, And The Battle Is Half Over.
In other words, there is no such thing as a perfect life. However, it is a fact that life is good! The goal, therefore, should not be to live a perfect life, but to live an imperfect life full of amazement.
This means taking nothing for granted, and seeing the ordinary as extraordinary. Every day is a gift!
When pain comes, don’t be without hope. Even though others may look at a situation and be down, you should take pride in the knowledge that world is a beautiful place, despite whatever is happening to bring you down. This simple change in thought will change your reality.
There Is Always Something To Be Thankful For.
If you’re smiling, life is better. It is not naive to be positive in a situation that is difficult. Rather, it is a sign of strength.
Let’s face it: we all have something to cry and complain about, but if you choose to smile instead of frown, you’re going to appreciate your life much more.
There is beauty that surrounds you. Think of that, and smile. Be thankful for all things, great and small, in your life.
Sometimes even the smallest things will have great significance in the big picture. In the end, we’re not thankful for happiness. We are happy because we are thankful.
Your Fears Don’t Exist.
Fear can overwhelm anyone. It is a defeating force to which many in this world succumb. However, this force is not as powerful as it seems, as it only goes as deep as you allow. After all, you are in control, so take control!
The key to overcoming fear is acknowledging and addressing it. Use words to shine a light on it, so it doesn’t have to become a wordless darkness you avoid.
You may briefly forget the fear, but you will be vulnerable to future attacks when you are not expecting it.
Lastly, be courageous! You can beat this if you face it. Remember that courage doesn’t mean you aren’t afraid, it means that fear does not control your life.
Play The Long Game.
Instant gratification does not stay gratifying for long. If you are patient, your potential can be expanded exponentially. Think of it like this: if your desires were always fulfilled right away, you would miss out on the joys of anticipation.
You take one step at a time, with the confidence that you will get to the desired result eventually.
You deserve more than a fleeting instant gratification. If it arrives in an instant, it will probably be gone in an instant.
Pain Is A Part Of Life, And It Will Help You Grow.
The truth is, life and love hurt sometimes. This brings up some very disturbing feelings inside of all of us.
We need pain just like we need love. It is meant to get us moving on to greater things and self-improvement. When we hide our pain, we are preventing ourselves from moving on.
The pain we experience is something we should carry with us willingly. What matters in the end is how you are carrying the things in your life that have not gone your way. After all, pain is a feeling, and your feelings are a part of you and your reality.
If you ignore the negative things or hide them, you are being insecure. Rather, you should stand up and own your scars. You endured them, and they made you stronger.
Live In The Now.
Life is lived now, not in some far off imaginary land in some future where everything is somehow perfect. You can work toward this ideal future, sure. However, in order to get there, you have to deal with the world today.
Sometimes we feel like where we are is not where we want to be. This is flawed thinking. Wherever you are is exactlywhere you need to be. Appreciate where you are, it will get you where you are going tomorrow.
Life is a progression of moments. Take one of them to remember how fortunate you are to be alive and breathing, with friends and family who love you. Take stock and realize the endless possibilities before you. Happiness is now. While so many people think their happiness lies ahead, and others think that their best years are behind them, you will have the strength to know the truth: that is, now is the best place you can be.
You Are Not Alone.
When hard times hit, you may feel surrounded by those who are doing great for themselves. However, they are struggling in some way, as we all do. What’s more is if we all opened up with the bravery to discuss it, we’d realize that we are not alone in our hardships.
Don’t feel desperate! We are all struggling with something, just in our own ways. Others may not understand how you are dealing with your problem, but they do understand the problem. You are not alone!
Take Responsibility.
Sigmund Freud is famous for saying: “Most people do not really want freedom, because freedom involves responsibility, and most people are frightened of responsibility.”
We should all be making sure that we are not ‘most people.’ When others are blamed for your problems, you are surrendering some of your power over your own life. When you blame others, you deny your own responsibility for what is going on.
After all, in the end, the price of happiness is responsibility. As soon as you stop seeing everyone else as responsible for your own happiness, the happier you’ll be.
In the end, you are self-reliant. Your happiness depends on your willingness to take responsibility for your life. Be the hero of your life, not the victim.
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