Thursday 19 November 2015

What is the Law of Attraction?

law of attraction quote
Have ever wondered why some people seem to attract so much happiness and wealth, whereas others always attract misery, pain, sorrow and problems?
Would you believe it if I told you that the people, who get the things they want in life are using something known as the Law of Attraction?
You can be skeptical about it. I was too until I used it in my own life and saw what a big difference it could make.

So What is the Law of Attraction?

I would like to explain the Law in very simple terms, so that you can understand it.
The Law of Attraction is sometimes known as a Universal Law.
It allows us to create our own realities.
According to this Law, we attract things that we want; and we also attract things that we do not want.
Everything that a person has per say; people in his life, the things in his home and the money in his bank account is all because of his inner feelings, beliefs and thoughts.
If my dominant thoughts and beliefs are limited, I will attract limited wealth and also adversely affect my well-being.

Whenever we believe that any and everything is possible in life, we can actually attract it.
The Law of Attraction should then be all about positive thinking. With positive thoughts, we attract abundance and plenty.
On the other hand, if we focus and constantly think about what is lacking in our lives then we will create a reality that is also lacking.
Hence, in order to attract happiness and abundance, we have to channelize our thoughts to thinking about the good things rather than the negative aspects of life.
The benefits of positive thinking mean having a glorious and much more fruitful reality.

Is This a New Phenomenon?

The Law of Attraction has been there for eons. However, it was only in 2006 after the movie The Secret was released that most people sat up and starting wondering about this law of attraction thing and its ability to change reality.
The movie was based on a book written by Rhonda Byrne, and many teachers of this Law who were in the movie immediately became popular and sought-after.
They went around promoting the Law of Attraction and the movie in popular talk shows, such as Oprah, Ellen and The Larry King Show.
This made people like you and I aware that there was something in this universe that could change our lives.

Using the Law of Attraction to Attract What You Want

The explanation of the Law of Attraction is pretty simple, but I know from experience that it takes a effort to truly understand it and make it work at a conscious level.

This is mainly because we are limited by our negative belief systems and have been entrenched deep into our psyche.
By changing our negative belief systems, we can conquer just about anything in this world and we can attract all the things that we have always wanted and desired.
Here are three steps to attract all the things you want, including money, wealth and happiness in our lives:
1. Ask: We have to know what we want. If we do not know what we want, how can the universe give it to us? Hence, it is important ask what you want for manifesting your desires in your life.
2. Believe: We have to truly believe that what we are asking for in life will come to us and become ours. This step requires positive thinking. We have to cast aside doubts and negativism. We have to believe that failure is not an option that we will get what we have asked for without fail.
3. Receive: Finally, the most important thing is that we have to make use of all the opportunities that life throws at us in order to get what we want. Yes, we have to work and reach out for our goals but also express feelings of gratitude for having received what we wanted.
by -- Val dala

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