Monday 16 November 2015

Aloe Vera Juice: Benefits And Side Effects

Aloe Vera Juice: Benefits And Side Effects

Aloe Vera Juice Benefits And Side Effects

The Sanskrit name for aloe vera is kumari, meaning ‘princess’, which would translate to mean ‘youthful/young beauty’.  Aloe vera gel can be very beneficial for the skin, helping with sunburn, insect bites, rashes, cuts, and wounds. It’s is anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and helps with regeneration of cells. It’s common knowledge that application of aloe vera gel to the skin can improve common skin ailments. But, did you know that aloe vera juice can be equally effective?

Aloe Vera juice contains the same antibacterial benefits that Aloe Vera gel is known to provide. It can be taken twice a day for optimal health benefits. You can extract enough gel from your plants to make 2 servings. If you want to refrigerate it, add the gel to 1 cup (8oz) of citrus juice immediately and refrigerate. The citrus will act as a preservative. Making your own homemade Aloe Vera juice can ensure there are no unhealthy additives or preservatives, especially if you’re using an Aloe Barbadensis Miller plant that you’ve grown yourself. The Aloe Barbadensis Miller plant is the only Aloe Vera plant that contains the proper gel for making Aloe Vera juice.

Benefits of Aloe Vera Juice

.Aids in elimination of constipation, acting as a natural laxative.
.Aids in digestion and eases stomach aches and heartburn.
.Helps to regulate blood sugars.
.Detoxifies the body and colon.
.Helps with weight loss by increasing metabolic rate to burn more calories.
.Improves circulation.
.Aids in healing damage to internal tissues.
.Regulates blood pressure.
.Retards the growth of cancerous tumors.
.Lowers cholesterol
.Contains immune boosting polysaccharides that helps reduce inflammation.
.Alkalizes body, reducing heart burn.
.Boosts vitamin and mineral Intake
.Cures gums, in fact aloe gel is being increasingly used in toothpastes.
.Aloe vera juice is considered to have anti-carcinogenic properties.
.Rich source of amino acids
.Aloe Vera contains germanium, a mineral that helps your body correct circulatory disturbances.
.Aloe juice boosts blood oxygenation, guarding your body against oxidative stress.

Side Effects of Drinking Aloe Vera Juice

It is recommended that you drink no more than 2-4 ounces a day of Aloe vera juice. Ingesting more would lead to side effects, such as liver dysfunction, nausea and allergic reactions. But if you adhere to the recommended amount per day, you will see many wonderful benefits.

 Listed below are some side effects

Always check the labels before purchasing aloe vera juice to see the percentage of aloe vera in it. This will prevent you from consuming unhealthy fillers.If you have any discomfort after consuming aloe vera juice, consult a doctor. Some people may face allergic reactions to aloe vera.Sometimes, aloe vera can react with diabetes drugs. So you can ask your doctor whether it is safe to have aloe juice. If you are consuming aloe juicekeep a close watch on your blood sugar levels.If you suffer from intestinal conditions like Crohn’s disease or Ulcerative Colitis don’t have aloe latex or any product made from whole aloe leaf as acts as a bowel irritant.If you suffer from hemorrhoids stay awayaloe juice as it may worsen the condition.Always have the correct doses of aloe vera, excess may cause severe kidney problems.Aloe vera can interfere with the blood sugar levels during or after surgery. Sostop taking aloe vera two weeks before a surgery.Aloe vera might prevent the blood from clotting; this same function is done by Sevoflurane, the anesthesia used during surgery. So having aloe during surgery can cause excessive bleeding.Never have aloe vera juice with Digoxin (Lanolin) since stimulant laxatives likealoe latex can decrease potassium levelsand increase the side effects of Lanolin.Aloe Vera can react with the oral medicines and reduce its efficiency.Fenugreek and garlic do not digest well with aloe juice. Pregnant and lactating women should not consume aloe vera juice, due to its purgative and irritant qualities. It may stimulate uterine contractions in pregnant women, leading to miscarriage and birth defects.Lactating women should also refrain from consuming aloe vera juice, as it contains anthraquinone which may lead to diarrhea. It is also considered unsafe for children below 12 years of age.People, who suffer from irritable bowel syndrome and gastrointestinal problem, should not drink aloe vera juice, as it contains high amount of laxatives which can increase the severity of the problem. Drinking unprocessed aloe vera juice can cause dehydration and electrolyte imbalance in the body. It also changes urine color to pink or red in color.Consumption of aloe vera juice can lead the body to produce excessive amounts of adrenaline, which can be harmful for people suffering from heart conditions.It can lower potassium levels in the body, causing irregular heartbeats, weakness and soft muscles. Hence, it is not recommended for children and elderly people.Consuming aloe vera juice, for more than a year can cause pseudomelanosis coli, a condition which increases the risk of colorectal cancer. There are even possibilities of carcinogenic risks if consumed in high amounts.Aloe vera juice helps to lower blood sugar levels by decreasing insulin resistance in the body. Thus, people who are undergoing treatment for hypoglycemia or diabetes should consult their physician before consuming aloe vera juice.Overdose of aloe vera juice can cause blood build-up in the pelvis, which leads to kidney damage.Intake of aloe latex can cause depletion of the potassium from the cells of the intestinal lining.Prolonged usage of aloe vera juice can increase the risk of constipation.


Aloe vera juice is quite different from topical gel versions, so make sure the label specifies use as a dietary supplement or juice. Supplements aren’t put through the same rigorous testing as drugs, so safety levels remain unknown; consumption may cause interaction with other items like drugs, herbs or foods, according to the American Cancer Society. Some reported side effects include gastrointestinal upset, electrolyte imbalance and liver inflammation in people who drank aloe juice for longer than a few weeks. As with any supplement, check with your doctor first. The best way for you to have aloe vera juice is to make it yourself so that you know it’s fresh. But remember to wash the yellow residue off which may cause indigestion.

 By - Rachelle Chandraan

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