Monday 26 October 2015

Some New Phsychological tricks:

Some New Phsychological tricks:
1) If you ask someone a question
and they only partially answer,
then just wait. If you stay silent
and maintain eye contact, they
will usually continue talking.
2) If you get yourself to be really
happy and excited to see other
people, they will react the same
to you. It doesn't always happen
the first time, but it will definitely
happen next time.
3) When people are angry at you,
if you stay calm it'll get them even
angrier, and be ashamed about it
4) When you take somebody out on
a first date, take them
somewhere exciting that will get
their heart beating. For instance
—a roller coaster or horror film.
This gets their adrenaline up. It
makes them think they enjoy
spending time with you rather
than the activity.
5) People will remember not
what you said but how you
made them feel.
Also most people like talking
about themselves so ask lots of
questions about them.
6) Always be honest so when
you have to lie, people will
believe you.
7) Refer to people you've just
met by their name. People love
being referred to by their name,
and it will establish a sense of
trust and friendship right away.
Say your friend introduced you to
John. After 5 minutes he decides
to leave. Don't just say, "bye", but
instead say "Bye John!"
8) If you want to stare at
someone unashamedly, look
directly past them and wait for
them to try and meet your eyes.
When they fail to do that, they'll
look around (usually nervously
for a second) and won't look at
you again for some time. This is
your chance to straight up stare
at this person for at least 45
9) If you really want
something from someone, frame
it as an offer rather than a
10) Ask your interviewer as
many questions about what they
do for work and really listen.
They will walk away from the
interview in a good mood
because they got to talk about
themselves and they will then
think that the interview went
11) You know how a joke
ceases to be funny when you
have to repeat it? Well use that to
your benefit; if that a**hole in
the group is making jokes at
your expense, act like you can't
hear him and ask him to repeat it
like 3 times. By the time he says it
a 3rd or 4th time, no one’s
12) You can judge the character
of a person by how they treat
people who can do absolutely
nothing for them.

credit-- Article World

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